For whom is the course intended?
For those with some background in spirituality and spiritual direction who would like to learn more about spiritual direction (accompaniment).
There is increasing interest in the spiritual journey and how it relates to living faithfully in today’s world.
This speaks of a need for trained spiritual directors.
This training programme aims to deepen and extend the training given in Training in Spiritual Conversation.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must have completed satisfactorily Training in Spiritual Conversation. Consideration will be given to applicants with comparable experience which includes knowledge of Ignatian spirituality and some practice in Ignatian discernment.
Applicants are expected to have experience of regular spiritual direction and ideally of individually guided retreats. The course draws extensively on the Ignatian spiritual exercises, and it is an advantage (though not necessarily a requirement) to have made them prior to beginning the course.
Practice in Spiritual Direction
Participants are expected to be developing a practice in spiritual direction by accompanying at least 2 people regularly, preferably 3, in their spiritual journey, so as to be able to apply course learning and to reflect about practice in the supervision group which forms part of the training.
Course Content
Module 1 Developing a Beneficial Relationship
Module 2 The Transforming Work of the Spirit
Module 3 Standards of Practice
Module 4 Pastoral Applications
The programme is experience-based and uses small groups, role play, case studies, personal reflection, input and discussion as methods of learning. There is one written assignment for each module.
Mode of presentation:
A mix of online and in-person components for all participants
The course contains two major components:
- Regular Tuesday evening sessions online on Zoom
- Four days in person – two blocks of two days (Friday & Saturday) at
Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh
The in-person sessions are integral to the course and all participants will need to
attend them.
Dates & Times
Tuesday evenings on Zoom 7pm to 9.30pm
Fridays 1pm to 6pm in person at Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh
Saturdays 10am to 4pm in person at Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh
Oct 1, 8, 22 and Fri 25 & Sat 26
Nov 5, 12, 19, 26
Dec 3, 10, 17
Jan 7, 14, 21, 28
Feb 4, 18 and Fri 21 & Sat 22
Mar 4, 11, 18, 25
Apr 1, 22, 29
May 6
In addition each participant meets with his/her tutor for a half-hour tutorial on Zoom every 4-6 weeks.
Participants are expected to attend all sessions. If a session is missed, due to unforeseen events, trainees are expected to cover the material by meeting online with at least one other participant. If more than four sessions are missed in the year, participants may be deemed not to have completed the course.
Spiritual Direction
Course participants are expected to be receiving regular spiritual direction throughout the course.
Course costs
The cost of the course is £755. A registration fee of £65, deductible from the total cost, is payable
when an applicant is accepted. The balance may be paid in instalments.
Bursaries may be available for this course please contact to enquire about this.
Do also contact us at the above address if you wish to make a donation towards helping someone else
take part in the course.
More Information
If you would like more information, or would like to make an informal enquiry about the course please contact
- Download SD Application form 2024-25 ( DOCX)
- Download SD flier 2024-25 (DOCX)
Your application will be acknowledged by e-mail.
(Please get in touch again if you haven’t heard back from us in 7 days.)
Confirmation and final details will be sent nearer to the start of the course.
Applicants may be interviewed and/or references taken.
Epiphany Group led