Spiritual Conversation Training 

This course will not run this year. 


For whom is the course intended?

Deck chairs twoThere is increasing interest in the spiritual journey and how it relates to living faithfully in today’s world. This speaks of a need for people skilled in spiritual conversation, living out this ministry in a variety of ways. This course builds on the foundation course Growth in Prayer and Reflective Living and is a training programme for accompanying others on their inner journey, alongside continuing self-development. For some, this course may lead on to training in spiritual accompaniment/direction.

Entry requirements

Applicants should have completed Growth in Prayer and Reflective Living or a comparable course, or have made the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Consideration may be given to applicants with equivalent experience which includes knowledge of different ways of praying and basic Ignatian discernment.

If you apply for the course, you are expected to be receiving regular spiritual direction and to have this in place before the course begins. We may be able to help you find a spiritual director if necessary. It is also helpful if you have had experience of an individually guided retreat. 


two men sitting

Practice in spiritual conversation

If you are accepted on the course, you will be expected to engage in accompanying others on their spiritual journey.
In practice, this means meeting for spiritual conversation with two people on a regular basis during the course, usually through your local contacts. These conversations will allow you to apply course learning and reflect on your experience, both with a tutor and in small groups.





Course content

Module 1   Introduction to Spiritual Conversation – Listening Skills
Module 2   Personal Prayer – Ways of Praying
Module 3   Discernment according to St Ignatius
Module 4   Spiritual Conversation



The programme is experience-based and uses small groups, role plays, case studies, personal reflection, input and discussion as methods of learning.

There is one written assignment for each module.



Participants are expected to attend all sessions. If you miss a session due to illness or unforeseen events, you are expected to catch up with relevant content by liaising with another course participant.


lpatop flowers and mug of coffeeMode of presentation:
a mixture of online and in-person components for all participants

The course contains two major components:

  • regular Tuesday evening sessions online on Zoom
  •  four days in person – three of these at Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh and
    one at Link Church, Dunfermline
    The in-person sessions are integral to the course and all participants will need to
    attend them.






The sessions will take place on the dates below.

  • Tuesday sessions take place on Zoom in the evening from 7 – 9.30pm
  • Friday session in person 3pm to 9pm
  • Saturday sessions in person 10am to 4pm


Course costs

The cost of the course is £720.  A registration fee of £60, deductible from the total cost, is payable when an applicant is accepted. The balance may be paid in instalments.

Bursaries may be available for this course please contact  training@epiphanygroup.org.uk to enquire about this.

Do also contact us at the above address if you wish to make a donation towards helping someone else take part in the course.


More Information

If you would like more information, or would like to make an informal enquiry about the course please contact training@epiphanygroup.org.uk


Dates to follow next time the course is running 



Your application will be acknowledged by e-mail. (Please get in touch again if you haven’t heard back from us in 7 days.)  Confirmation will be sent nearer to the start of the course with final details.

Applicants may be interviewed and/or references taken.


If you haven’t heard back from us in 7 days, please get in touch again and also check your SPAM folder.


Two puffins

What people have said:

The course has given me an opportunity to talk about God with other people…I think I have grown in awareness of God, and confidence in speaking about God, through that. I have found listening to other course members’ and my practice peoples’ experiences of God illuminating.   

 I am learning to be comfortable with what people are sharing, holding them in their space. Rather than running away from the hard places, the darker experiences, I am beginning to feel more comfortable being alongside them with their emotions and burdens, knowing that ‘Here we are, you and I, and I hope a third, Christ is in our midst.’


Photos on  Unplash by

1 Chaz McGregor

2 Luke Ellis Craven

3 Wynand van Poortvliet 


Epiphany Group led