God’s Invitation to Relationship (GITR)
A 6 week introduction to Ways of Praying
Growth in Prayer & Reflective Living (GPRL)
Running Oct to May 2025-26 (20 weeks)
Online +3 in person days Edinburgh
Training in Spiritual Conversation
This will NOT run in 2024-25
Training in Spiritual Direction
Running 2024-25
Training in giving the Spiritual Exercises
Run on demand
The Epiphany Group (EG) is keen that no-one should be excluded from our courses for financial
reasons. We encourage applicants to seek funding from other sources and can offer suggestions on this.
Please contact us for further information.
There is also a limited EG Bursary and Development Fund, supported by donations, which is available to those in need of assistance.
Application Form
Application for Bursary (DOCX)