Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

25th Anniversary Gathering 

9th & 10th May 2025

Quaker Meeting House Edinburgh


We’re delighted to confirm that Margaret Silf and Padraig O’Tuama will be the speakers for the Epiphany Group 25th Anniversary Annual Gathering on our theme, Living the Story.

Margaret Silf (our guest in person), who is much loved as the author of books such as Landmarks and Wayfaring, will speak about how we explore the narratives which surface in the lives of those we accompany, working out where they are helpful and where they need to be transformed.

Padraig O’Tuama (speaking online), is an acclaimed poet, theologian and former director of the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland, a centre for peace and reconciliation, will speak about the power of telling one’s own story, and how to recognise when the stories we tell ourselves begin to restrict us.

We will also reflect on the story (so far) of the EG, with additional elements facilitated by EG Members.


WHEN: Friday 9th May, 11am – 5pm, and Saturday 10th May, 10am – 5pm
WHERE: Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh
AND: Special Anniversary Dinner, Friday 9th May from 6.45pm at the Bruntsfield Hotel, 69 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh
COSTS: £90 for the two days at the Quaker Meeting House (or £45 per individual day)
£30 for the dinner (two courses plus tea/coffee and a welcome drink – alcohol or not as preferred)


Please consider booking as soon as possible so we can begin to estimate numbers and make necessary arrangements.
1. Fill in the online booking form on this link, giving details of any dietary requirements, access needs, accommodation needed or offered:
2. Please make your payment by BACS transfer to the Epiphany Group: Sort code: 80-02-85, Account no: 06002685. Please put the following code in the reference line: SURNAMEAG2025 e.g. SMITHAG2025

Financial support

If you would appreciate financial support to be able to attend the AG, you are encouraged to apply to the EG Bursary & Development Fund. Please apply using the form on the website here>>>