North, East, Highlands & Orkney

(includes Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Inverness, Black Isle and Orkney)





The Christian Contemplative Network – Orkney


2025 dates to follow



Spring Reflective Days across Aberdeenshire


When and Where?
The day will take place on Saturday 22 February in the lovely Garden Room at Fountainhall Church at the Stocket (Midstocket Road, Aberdeen).
We gather from 10:00am for coffee and then a 10:30am prompt start, and will close with lunch (please bring a packed lunch) – the day will end around 1:00pm.
What’s the Theme?
The theme the leaders for this day have chosen is ‘Thirsting for God’.
Want to join us?
Simply email us at to let us know you are coming.  You (and anyone you might like to invite to come with you!) will be very welcome!  
Need Transport?
If you’d like to come but will find it difficult to get to the venueH, please let us know.  If we can, we’ll see if anyone else is coming from your area who might be able to give you a lift.
Can’t come but like the material?
Not a problem – material can be emailed out a day or two before the event for you to join in with us in spirit.  Please email us to tell us you would like the material and we’ll include you on the mailing.
Donations are requested to cover the costs of running the day and it would be helpful if these could be given in cash on the day if possible by those who are present.  For those need to give by bank transfer, our bank details are:
Account Name:  Epiphany Aberdeen
Sort Code:  80-12-06
Account number:  00373872

Saturday March 29

Saturday May 31

More  information to follow


 Discover more>>>

4 – 8 April: A Retreat with Margaret Silf

The Growing Edge

A retreat in a safe and welcoming setting for spiritual seekers who feel that they are on the edge, or even over the edge, of institutional religion. This can be a lonely and a risky place to be. But it can also be the growing edge of authentic spirituality. How can we live creatively on the edge of Mystery, with more questions than answers? And how do we find a place of belonging, and nurture a sense of community?

Margaret Silf is a much-loved author and speaker, and will be joining us at the Coach House in early April to lead this retreat >>>

Places are limited so if you are interested please get in touch to request a Booking Form.

Email directly at or call us on 01463 731386

Our weekday office hours are limited, but do leave a message and we’ll get back to you.